Awards Committee
Recognizes Directors/Staff/Professional Members of the Emergency Management Association of Ohio for exemplary service in the field of emergency management.
Meetings are usually held virtually with date and time to be determined.
Chairs: Jeff Jadwin (Muskingum County) and John Wieber (Licking County)
Education Committee
Develops educational opportunities to advance the knowledge and professionalism of the members of the Association to include but not limited to conferences, seminars, and workshops. To foster networking among Association members and build a common camaraderie to strengthen the Emergency Management field.
Meetings are usually held at 10:00 AM on the first Tuesday of every month either in-person or virtually, depending on the agenda and desires of the committee.
Chairs: Scott Stewart (Delaware County) and Jason Troyer (Holmes County)
Emergency Management Assistance Team (EMAT) Committee
Maintains a program of Emergency Management mutual aid assistance both in Ohio and Nationwide. The Committee will continue to develop training, skills, and abilities to maintain deployable Emergency Management assistance teams. The Committee also will continually assess best practices on needs for assistance to better shape our assets.
Meetings are usually held virtually or during scheduled conferences.
Chair: Jon Kochis (Fairfield County)
Finance Committee
Monitors the fiscal situation of the Association and make recommendations to the Treasurer on the budget, dues structure, and revenue opportunities.
Meetings are usually held virtually or during scheduled conferences.
Chair: Jon Kochis (Fairfield County)
Legislative Committee
Description goMonitors proposed legislation at the state and/or local level which may impact emergency management activities or the goals of the association or may set a precedent for the future legal implications.
Meetings are held quarterly or as needed.
Chair: Jeff Klein (Wood County)
Membership Committee
Focuses on enriching the membership experience of existing members and growing membership at all levels (Directors, Associates Professional, College/University and Affiliate). EMAO Past Presidents initially formed the committee, the others are encouraged to join as well.
Chair: Mark Christie (Cuyahoga County)
NQS Committee
The NQS committee will review the guidance provided by FEMA and Ohio EMA on how best to address the current and future requirements of the National Qualification System. These requirements may consist of requirements for grant funding (EMPG) and requirements on other responders in your community.
Meetings are held virtually, as needed.
Chair: Kevin Friis (Cuyahoga County)
Publications Committee
The committee takes responsibility for creating and coordinating publications, monitoring, and creating social media content. In addition, the committee upon request will oversee the updating and revision of Official EMAO documents and the EMAO website.
Chairs: Erin Konecki (Wood) and Garrett Blevins (Fairfield)
School Safety Committee
Focusing on K-12 and Higher Education emergency preparedness. This committee will consult with the Ohio School Safety Center through the EMAO Liaison to develop and improve the rules and laws governing school emergency planning and exercise.
Chairs: Jon Kochis (Fairfield County)